Transport - not creating transfers for terminal to location

Issue No: TR-870
Created 6/30/2017 8:54:46 AM
Type Bug
Priority Major
Status Closed
Resolution Fixed
Fixed Version 17.1
Description Verify if the highlighted case is working. If not fix it.   Why did this extra adjustment GL entries happen in Credit Memo posting?   TR-6543 shipped 9598 gl @1.205 from supplier Terminal to APX Detail.   * 8269 gl is supposed to be delivered directly to Customer through APX Retail. * 1329 gl is supposed to be delivered to APX Rosamond.   This is what TR is expected to do   * Create an IR for 9598 gl for APX Detail @ actual cost (INVRCT-4336) * Create an IT for 8269 gl from APX Direct to APX Retail @ actual cost * Create an IT for 1329 gl from APX Direct to APX Rosamond @ actual cost   *An error happened in TR*   * *It created an IT for the entire qty of 9598 gl from APX Direct to APX Retail @ actual cost instead (INVTRN-3613)* * *[~lawrence.zabala] Isn't TR supposed to create 2 transfers? Does this happen in 17.1?*   User tried to work around by doing a manual transfer   * Created an IT for 1329 gl from APX Retail to APX Rosamond. The location had inventory and it was taken out @ FIFO cost. * Inventory became zero and not negative.   Creidt Memo   * Now credit memo returned some inventory @ some cost. Why should it create an adjustment entry? * Why does it care at what cost the previous inventory transfer happened if the inventory is not negative situation?       =====================================================   This issue relates to i21 Help Desk ticket. Click the link below to go to Help Desk ticket.   [HDTN-199511 - 17.1 Credit Memo - Inventory Adjustment GL account|]           This issue relates to i21 Help Desk ticket. Click the link below to go to Help Desk ticket.   [HDTN-199511 - 17.1 Credit Memo - Inventory Adjustment GL account|]             Version: 17.1.0615.53     Database: T1   Steps to Recreate:   1. Create an invoice.   2. Click Post Preview.   3. Post the invoice.   Issue: The posting is creating an additional entry for Inventory adjustment when selecting Post Preview before post.   If you click Post without Post Preview first, the entry will be correct.   !pastedImage_d78612_0.png!