CLONE - HDTN-339579 - Problem With Inventory Receipt in Wrong Location

Issue No: TR-3466
Created 4/15/2024 10:26:50 PM
Type Bug
Priority Blocker
Status Closed
Resolution Fixed
Fixed Version 22.1, 22.1.Maint-042624
Description {*}This issue relates to i21 Help Desk ticket:{*}[ HDTN-339579 - Problem With Inventory Receipt in Wrong Location|] We noticed a problem when we were verifying inventory after the batch 1 rebuild.  We do not think it is related to the rebuild, we just noticed it at the same time, so I am creating this as its own ticket. TR-153039:​  ​ !image-2024-04-23-11-11-34-773.png!  ​ Based on these selections, it should put all the inventory into the 'transports' location, sell most of it to a customer from the transports location, then transfer 3800 gas to the Lewisburg location.  However: ​ !image-2024-04-23-11-12-10-427.png!  ​ The receipt detail shows it all going into Lewisburg.  The invoice is correctly still sold out of the transports location, but since the IR did not put any inventory into the transports location, it just leaves a negative balance in Transports and leaves an extra amount in Lewisburg.  It did create a transfer like it should have to transfer the 3800 out, but since it never put any gallons into Transports to begin with this just leaves more negative gallons in Transports. ​ !image-2024-04-23-11-12-41-099.png!  ​ We need the IR corrected to put everything in transports as it should have.  We also need to know why this happened and if there are any other transactions that could be wrong in the same way.