Tank Management > Generate Orders > file missing for digital dispatch

Issue No: TM-3086
Created 7/10/2019 1:29:40 PM
Type Bug
Priority Blocker
Status Closed
Resolution Fixed
Fixed Version 19.1
Description This issue relates to i21 Help Desk ticket. Click the link below to go to Help Desk ticket.   [HDTN-232988 - Generate Orders from Tank Management in TE not creating csv file for Digital Dispatch|https://helpdesk.irely.com/iRelyi21live//#/HD/Ticket/?ticket=HDTN-232988] Steps to create in TE 19.1 (Swink is not yet live in 19.1)   * We can create an order and dispatch to Digital and the file is being created and Digital Dispatch is receiving it. * However, when we tried Generate Orders, it would process, but the file is not being created, therefore it is not in Digital Dispatch. * No console errors appear * We found this issue during training today. I've not tested during UAT Generate Orders so I didn't find before hand. I only tested Create an order at a time.   Acceptance:   Once generate orders is selected, digital dispatch should be created.   Please see screen shots for reference.