Cig Rebates > Mix and Match are not being sent Properly to PM Morris

Issue No: ST-1717
Created 5/11/2020 9:14:06 AM
Type Bug
Priority Critical
Status Closed
Resolution Fixed
Fixed Version 19.1
Description * Issue ** During Export of Cig Rebate, the Mix and Match indicators for multiple pack is not being handled correctly for all scenarios ** Data Scenarios to qualify for mix and match offer *** #1 - scan same item on register with qty = 2 *- Working Ok* **** Scan File shows one lines with dblTrlQty = 2 *** #2 - scan same item two separate times each with a qty of 1 - *Not working* **** Scan File shows two lines with dblTrlQty = 1 *** #3 - scan two different items in mix/match detail each with a qty of 1 - *Not Working* **** Scan File shows two lines with dblTrlQty = 1 * Requirements ** Adjust Calculations for the Exported Fields: strMultiPackIndicator, intMultiPackRequiredQuantity, dblMultiPackDiscountAmount ** When Matching Promo Sales ID is setup in i21 and Matches the Trans Log strTrlMatchLineTrlPromotionID *** select intPromoUnits from tblSTPromotionSalesList where strPromoType = 'MixMatch' and intPromoSalesId = strTrlMatchLineTrlPromotionID and intPromoUnits > 1 *** Then **** strMultiPackIndicator ***** When TR.strTrlMatchLineTrlMatchName IS NOT NULL AND TR.strTrlMatchLineTrlPromotionIDPromoType = 'mixAndMatchOffer ****** Set to Yes ***** MixAndMatch always require the purchase of multiple items to qualify for the deal. **** intMultiPackRequiredQuantity ***** When TR.strTrlMatchLineTrlMatchName IS NOT NULL AND TR.strTrlMatchLineTrlPromotionIDPromoType = 'mixAndMatchOffer ****** tblSTPromotionSalesList.intPromoUnits **** dblMultiPackDiscountAmount ***** When TR.strTrlMatchLineTrlMatchName IS NOT NULL AND TR.strTrlMatchLineTrlPromotionIDPromoType = 'mixAndMatchOffer ****** When TR.dblTrlMatchLineTrlMatchQuantity = tblSTPromotionSalesList.intPromoUnits ******* Then dblTrlMatchLineTrlPromoAmount ****** Else ******* dblTrlMatchLineTrlPromoAmount * tblSTPromotionSalesList.intPromoUnits *** Else **** strMultiPackIndicator ***** When TR.strTrlMatchLineTrlMatchName IS NOT NULL AND TR.strTrlMatchLineTrlPromotionIDPromoType = 'mixAndMatchOffer ****** Set to Yes ***** MixAndMatch always require the purchase of multiple items to qualify for the deal. **** intMultiPackRequiredQuantity ***** When TR.strTrlMatchLineTrlMatchName IS NOT NULL AND TR.strTrlMatchLineTrlPromotionIDPromoType = 'mixAndMatchOffer ****** Set to 2 ***** Assume MixAndMatch always require the purchase of multiple of 2 items to qualify for the deal. **** dblMultiPackDiscountAmount ***** When TR.strTrlMatchLineTrlMatchName IS NOT NULL AND TR.strTrlMatchLineTrlPromotionIDPromoType = 'mixAndMatchOffer ****** When TR.dblTrlMatchLineTrlMatchQuantity = 2 ******* Then dblTrlMatchLineTrlPromoAmount ****** Else ******* dblTrlMatchLineTrlPromoAmount * 2