New Menu - Make the Favorites menu work exactly like all the other i21 menus

Issue No: SM-2988
Created 7/10/2017 9:12:35 AM
Type Feature
Priority Minor
Status Closed
Resolution Fixed
Fixed Version 17.3
Description We can remove the Tree menu from the Favorites and have it work the same as all the other menus. Now that we have the ability to hide screens when switching between menus we should no longer need the tree menu on the Favorities.   * Favorites menu should always remain at the top under the Home menu. * When clicking on the Favorites menu all open screens should collapse so the user can see the Favorites menu. * The Favorites menu should layout similar to other menus with groups in the center of the screen. * Remove the existing tree menu for the favorites.   !pastedImage_d78953_0.png|height=719,width=1115!