HDTN-273024 - 1 ticket printing instead of 3

Issue No: SC-4602
Created 6/27/2022 10:16:59 PM
Type Bug
Priority Critical
Status Closed
Resolution Fixed
Fixed Version 20.1
Description *Steps:* Follow steps on [http://jira.irelyserver.com/secure/Tests.jspa#/testCase/IRE-T2514] *Issue:* hello, I was talking to Chris, who is working at Arlington elevator, and he mentioned that their electron app freezes every couple of hours. In order to get it back up and working again, they need to completely shut down their computer, and then turn it back on. He's tried just exiting out of electron or logging out, but that hasn't fixed it. He said this has been going on for the last couple of months.     +The user has also cited that when they hit the print button only 1 copy prints instead of 3. this is the 2nd customer that has reported it. +     *Acceptance:* Should be able to print scale ticket accurately based on scale station settings setup