Create return responses as a code

Issue No: SC-3906
Created 10/28/2020 10:15:54 AM
Type Feature
Priority Critical
Status Closed
Resolution Fixed
Fixed Version 19.1
Description *This issue relates to i21 Help Desk ticket:* [ HDTN-250482 - Compuweigh Setup|]   # Return responses ## I managed to decompile the service that we deploy and upon checking we can modify it to add the codes, The issue that I can see here is that the service is returning a string, I have to test this if the string returned can be treated as xml or they have to convert it to an xml. But it is manageable to add the response code. ## I will look for the source code in our repository and in inet to get the actual code for this and not rely in the decompiled service, if possible. # 1 means they are not getting to the web service or the web service is off. It is a general failure.     36 (99%) is “duplicate ticket”     0 is good return code.