Rebuild issues causing CB Log discrepancies

Issue No: RM-4570
Created 2/23/2022 8:04:54 PM
Type Bug-QC
Priority Critical
Status Closed
Resolution Fixed
Fixed Version 20.1
Description There are several issues during the rebuild that needs to be addressed either by handling it within the actual rebuild process, or through "Post rebuild scripts".   Here are the list of issues:   # Issue on manual pricing not being detected. The common process of pricing a contract is through the Price Contract screen. But there are instances that users make use of the sequence screen to change the pricing type, essentially "pricing" the contract. This is an available option for the user while the contract is not yet being used on any transactions. We need to handle this types of activities by the user as an Update Contract action. # Cancelled, Short Closed, and Completed contracts that exceed the 3 month threshold is not being recorded on system. These contracts needs to be handled and recorded on the Contracts atleast. This may not be the case for the other transactions from IC/AR/AP, but for contracts, these should be recorded. This issue results in discrepancies the basis deliveries computation. We allow pending basis deliveries even for Short Closed, Cancelled, and Completed contract