Futures 360 - system is auto filling the account number while selecting a broker

Issue No: RM-2882
Created 4/17/2019 12:08:06 PM
Type Bug
Priority Major
Status Closed
Resolution Fixed
Fixed Version 19.1
Description This issue relates to i21 Help Desk ticket. Click the link below to go to Help Desk ticket.   [HDTN-224774 - Resolve defects/issues from UAT 1|https://helpdesk.irely.com/iRelyi21live//#/HD/Ticket/?ticket=HDTN-224774] Hershey's team reported the below issue:   * Futures 360 - broker filter now in 19.1 is showing one entry for each broker + account combination in the filter combo box. This is not the way how it worked in 18.3. * Due to this every time when user wants to see Futures 360 for a commodity (e.g. Cocoa) and broker (e.g. Socgen) they are forced to choose the broker with account combination. This is then auto filling the account number ** !pastedImage_d116482_0.png! * Now user will have to manually remove the account number from the next combo box in order to see Futures 360 for a commodity and broker * !pastedImage_d116482_1.png! * According to users this is simply a waste of time and adds no value. It defeats the purpose of we having a separate filter for account number. It should function like it worked in 18.3 wherein they can only choose the broker. If required, they will further choose the account number to filter it further * In 18.3 it shows just the broker as below (in their production environment) ** !pastedImage_d116482_2.png! ** !pastedImage_d116482_3.png! * Please resolve this at the earliest possible. This is one of their key report thereby this is a high priority bug for them