strCustomerName is NULL from vyuRKGetInventoryValuation

Issue No: RM-2652
Created 2/25/2019 3:15:22 PM
Type Bug
Priority Blocker
Status Closed
Resolution Fixed
Fixed Version 18.3
Description Smith, this is stopping us from auditing the DPR for Court Farms. I need the ability to create an Excel pivot table using the data that comes back from the following query but many of the rows have a null strCustomerName for Court testTE:     exec sp_executesql N'[uspRKDPRInvDailyPositionDetail] @intCommodityId ,@intLocationId,@intVendorId,@strPurchaseSales,@strPositionIncludes, @dtmToDate,@strByType, @strPositionBy',N'@intCommodityId nvarchar(2),@intLocationId int,@intVendorId int,@strPurchaseSales nvarchar(4000), @strPositionIncludes nvarchar(11),@dtmToDate nvarchar(19),@strByType nvarchar(4000),@strPositionBy nvarchar(4000)', @intCommodityId=N'1,',@intLocationId=0,@intVendorId=0,@strPurchaseSales=N'',@strPositionIncludes=N'All Storage',@dtmToDate=N'2019-02-21T15:23:13', @strByType=N'',@strPositionBy=N''     Please fix and give me a patch for their TE environment. Thanks.