Futures 360 - Realized gains losses require book/sub book info

Issue No: RM-2191
Created 10/30/2018 9:43:24 AM
Type Feature
Priority Blocker
Status Closed
Resolution Fixed
Fixed Version 18.3
Description Requirement:   * Realized Profit and Loss tab should also show book and sub-book columns. * Otherwise how will they even know which book/sub-book it belong when they specifically do not select the filter for book/sub-book. * They never cross match between different book/sub-books so we should show book and sub-book like we show in Unrealized Profit and Loss   According to customer it is a bug because their expectation was always to show book and sub-book in their screens so that they can generate month end reports efficiently. Otherwise they have to do one book/sub-book at a time that is very tedious and defeats the purpose.   Now Hershey's Swiss team is not able to generate these reports for their month end closing directly. They are manually putting together this data using combination of different i21 reports with excel.