Quality property - minimum and maximum range status issue

Issue No: QC-485
Created 8/22/2018 4:15:29 PM
Type Bug
Priority Blocker
Status Closed
Resolution Fixed
Fixed Version 18.1, 18.3
Description Quality Sample screen - Scenario:   * Create a sample with property Mold with the minimum and maximum range as 0 (both as 0) ** Idea here is that any mold content (beyond 0) is considered as a failure ** No presence of mold (0) is considered as a pass * Create a sample with property Moisture with the minimum as 0 and maximum range as 1 * Now record a sample * When the user enters ** 0 for Mold then system shows marginal. Ideally it should have shown as pass/success since no presence of mold is a successful situation ** 0 for moisture then system shows marginal. Similarly 1 for moisture also shows marginal as the status. This is again an issue because anything between 0 and 1 are valid numbers * This is blocking them from recording the samples   Expectation   * If the difference between the minimum and maximum range is between 0 to 1 then it is better not to show the sample property status as marginal. Instead it should always be shown as success   FYI: Same logic should apply in the following screens   # Quality Sample # PP Produce # Bagoff # Sample Import (When they don't supply the Result in excel)