TE 153994 Edris Oil apply credit will not apply to 2 accounts

Issue No: OPT-88
Created 9/25/2014 11:55:59 AM
Type Bug
Priority Minor
Status Closed
Fixed Version 14.4
Description te #153994   |Hello We have two accounts that apply credits program will not apply the ZV credit invoice to the ZZ invoice. They are 1350 Bowman Billed 9/22 and 16850 Hartman Billled 9/22. The program was not ran on Monday when they were billed even though that should not have anything to do with it. We did weekly billing today and applied credits but only one of the Monday invoices applied when we ran it (25290 Revolution Bio Fuels) View Reports credit memo audit list on 9/22 Barb 12:34:04 shows the 3 that would need to be applied. I am attaching apply credits reg paperwork. 01 is backed up to 99 Thanks Rox| |2) [Amy Goskowicz -- 2014-09-25 11:54:00]| |They apply credits from card fueling weekly. When they apply the credits it is usually after they have posted the invoices and credit from card fueling. This week they posted invoices/credits on 9/22/14 and then again on 9/24/14. Then went in and did the apply credits with the thru date of 9/24/14 which should have applied all credits to invoices including the ones on 9/22/14. Running the apply credits did not apply to two customer who had invoice/credits dated 9/22/14|