OR - XML (e file) changes

Issue No: MFT-1267
Created 9/14/2018 9:35:43 AM
Type Feature
Priority Blocker
Status Closed
Resolution Fixed
Fixed Version 18.3
Description There are a few items in this JIRA, including both Spec changes and bugs.   # In , add a new Element . It is not in the Excel Xpath document. It will take the same value as the exising attributes/TransmissionId. ## !pastedImage_d104880_0.png|height=388,width=1081! # In , add a new Element . It is not in the Excel Xpath document. It will take the same value as the existing attributes/SubmissionId. ## !pastedImage_d104880_1.png|height=361,width=1084! # In , Element name is not properly coded. Should be but not . ## !pastedImage_d104880_2.png! # If a RC does not have any transacdtion, do not include it in the XML file. In this screnshot, you can tell there is no record by "No record found" and also no data. This should not be in the XML file. ## !pastedImage_d104880_3.png!