IG - i21 Help launched from Help button

Issue No: DASH-511
Created 4/14/2014 7:39:37 AM
Type Feature
Priority Major
Status Closed
Resolution Fixed
Fixed Version 14.4
Description For QC: Update this checklist. [http://inet.irelyserver.com/display/QC/i21+Help+Topic+Checklist] 1. List down all the screens that can be opened from this module. 2. Assign help link. You can get this from [http://help.irelyserver.com/display/DOC/i21+Documentation] . If for instance the documentation for the specific screen is not yet available, just create the page first and then work on the documentation later. The programmers will have to associate the link to the help button so this needs to be moved on their trays asap. 3. Once done, assign it to programmers. For Programmer: 1. Go to this page for help link. [http://inet.irelyserver.com/display/QC/i21+Help+Topic+Checklist] 2. The link will have to be associated to the help button of a specific screen. 3. Resolve this once done.