Lot Split: Not working.

Issue No: IC-920
Created 6/14/2015 9:56:49 PM
Type Bug
Priority Major
Status Closed
Resolution Fixed
Fixed Version 15.3
Description |Sample data/Exceptions| |DECLARE @dtmCurrentDateTime DATETIME| |,@intInventoryAdjustmentId INT| | | |SELECT @dtmCurrentDateTime = GetDate()| | | |EXEC [uspICInventoryAdjustment_CreatePostSplitLot]| |-- Parameters for filtering:| |@intItemId = 37| |,@dtmDate = @dtmCurrentDateTime| |,@intLocationId = 1| |,@intSubLocationId = 3| |,@intStorageLocationId = 5| |,@strLotNumber = 'LOT-1053_A'| |-- Parameters for the new values: | |,@intNewLocationId = 1| |,@intNewSubLocationId = 3| |,@intNewStorageLocationId = 5| |,@strNewLotNumber = 'LOT-1053_E'| |,@dblAdjustByQuantity = -500| |,@dblNewSplitLotQuantity = 500| |,@dblNewWeight =500| |,@intNewItemUOMId = 37| |,@intNewWeightUOMId = 37| |,@dblNewUnitCost = NULL | |,@intSourceId = 1| |,@intSourceTransactionTypeId = 8| |,@intUserId = 1| |,@intInventoryAdjustmentId = @intInventoryAdjustmentId OUTPUT  | |DECLARE @dtmCurrentDateTime DATETIME| |,@intInventoryAdjustmentId INT| | | |SELECT @dtmCurrentDateTime = GetDate()| | | |EXEC [uspICInventoryAdjustment_CreatePostSplitLot]| |-- Parameters for filtering:| |@intItemId = 70| |,@dtmDate = @dtmCurrentDateTime| |,@intLocationId = 1| |,@intSubLocationId = 3| |,@intStorageLocationId = 2| |,@strLotNumber = 'LOT-1124'| |-- Parameters for the new values: | |,@intNewLocationId = 1| |,@intNewSubLocationId = 3| |,@intNewStorageLocationId = 2| |,@strNewLotNumber = 'LOT-1124_A'| |,@dblAdjustByQuantity = -10| |,@dblNewSplitLotQuantity = 10| |,@dblNewWeight =500| |,@intNewItemUOMId = 175| |,@intNewWeightUOMId = 163| |,@dblNewUnitCost = NULL | |,@intSourceId = 1| |,@intSourceTransactionTypeId = 8| |,@intUserId = 1| |,@intInventoryAdjustmentId = @intInventoryAdjustmentId OUTPUT|