Item -> Gl Accounts tab - add validations at item setup based on item type

Issue No: IC-854
Created 5/29/2015 7:55:30 AM
Type Feature
Priority Minor
Status Closed
Resolution Fixed
Fixed Version 15.3
Description Auto save is done when Location is added and "GL Required alert" is displayed while saving. User may intend to enter GL accounts, however Location tab is the first tab, auto save is initiated and the alert is firing in advance. Move Accounts tab before Location tab.   Accounts required alert should check for accounts in category and commodity first. If it is missing there as well as in item then alert should fire.   We can have all validations in item maintenance. In that case, additional check is required only in posting code. Let me know if it works or any account is missed.   # Set up validation for inventory GL Accounts in item screen. These has to be setup either in item, category or commodity. Validation will be done in item maintenance only. ## If Inventory type (Inventory, Bundle, Kit, Assembly/Blend), make these accounts mandatory ### AP Clearing ### Inventory ### COGS ### Sales ### Inventory In-transit ### Alert "AP Clearing, Inventory, Sales, COGS and Inventory In-transit accounts are required" ## If Inventory type (RM) ### Inventory WIP (Work in progress) apart from the above ### Alert "Work In Progress" account is required" ## If Inventory type (FG) ### Inventory ### COGS ### Sales ### Inventory In-transit ### Alert "Inventory, COGS, Sales and Inventory In-transit accounts are required. ## If Non Inventory type ### -AP Clearing- ### -Sales- ### General # Validate accounts exists in each of the location selected in item location tab. Refer