Add Default Futures Market to Commodity Screen

Issue No: IC-808
Created 5/19/2015 12:31:50 PM
Type Feature
Priority Minor
Status Closed
Resolution Fixed
Fixed Version 15.3
Description For commodities where user has ticked the "Exchange Traded" box, there should be an optional field activated at that point where user may indicate default futures market. This accesses a table in the risk management module where user can select the default market. Later, when creating a contract for this commodity, the futures market field will default to the value selected here. [~ram.s] can provide table details.   There is a slight chicken/egg issue here -- when creating the futures market in the first place, user will specify which commodity or commodities may be hedged on this market. Whichever is created first (the market or the commodity) won't have the other to reference until later!   Suggestion is that it will all come together in the contract form: the default value selected here in the inventory module will only come on the contract if the user has selected the commodity as hedgeable on that futures market. User will always have to go back to the first one created (market or commodity) to set the permission or the default. (Alternative is we can somehow do it automatically on the second one created but that may be needlessly complex programming-wise for something that won't be needed after initial set up.)   [~matt.wielinski]