[Easy Automation - Adjustments Import Errors

Issue No: IC-7904
Created 10/2/2019 9:30:58 AM
Type Bug
Priority Major
Status Closed
Resolution Fixed
Fixed Version 19.1
Description Hi Wendell, the following error is getting logged on Synergy's server when we attempt to import the adjustments.json file that I attached.   {color:#0000ff}[10-02-2019 09:28:01 AM] Critical: The conversion of a datetime2 data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value. The statement has been terminated. [10-02-2019 09:28:01 AM] Error: An error occurred while updating the entries. See the inner exception for details. [10-02-2019 09:28:01 AM] Error: An error occurred while updating the entries. See the inner exception for details. [10-02-2019 09:27:56 AM] Debug: Importing counts to staging tables...{color}   We are unable to determine if the error is on the i21 side or a problem within the json so we need to know the specific issue(s). The dates in the json look good to me. I would also ask that we include line numbers that point to the json row having an issue, or at least include more information that describes the issue. This will help us resolve the issue without needed a developer. Thanks.