Need OnHand API for Position Report

Issue No: IC-6403
Created 11/12/2018 11:23:06 AM
Type Feature
Priority Major
Status Closed
Resolution Fixed
Fixed Version TBD
Description Currently the DPR (Position Detail Report) is using the vyuRKGetInventoryValuation view to build the In-House (and other) buckets in the report which is a copy of the inventory view vyuICGetInventoryValuation. The calling stored procedure (uspRKDPRInvDailyPositionDetail) is only considering 11 of the 54 possible inventory transaction types that can affect On-Hand. This could be a result of 40+ inventory transaction types being added *after* the DPR proc was originally written but the problem has to be addressed in order to achieve an accurate Risk Position Detail report.   There are three major issues with the Risk module attempting to reconstruct an OnHand qty for a given point in time:   # New inventory transaction types could be added, resulting in an inaccurate Risk report. # The Inventory business intelligence (logic) can change for a given transaction type. This can lead to incorrect calculations in the DPR if the same changes are not made on the Risk side. # Risk doesn't know how to treat all of the transaction types with respect to how they should affect OnHand.   We are proposing that the Inventory module build and make available an API (stored proc or view) that returns the OnHand quantity for a given item or commodity for a given date. The following is a list of parameters needed for the uspRKDPRInvDailyPositionDetail proc:   * Item or Commodity * Item or Commodity ID * Location ID * Vendor ID (all if zero) * InTransit (yes/no) * DetailorSummary (Detail returns all transactions, Summary returns the OnHand value) ** Detail would be used to debug / verify the returned OnHand qty   The detail (columns) should match the vyuRKGetInventoryValuation view to aid with data verification.