Error deploying 15.2.0319.87

Issue No: IC-610
Created 3/19/2015 10:31:53 PM
Type Bug
Priority Blocker
Status Closed
Resolution Fixed
Fixed Version 15.2
​Please see full log in
​Error SQL72014: .Net SqlClient Data Provider: Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Procedure fnGetCostingMethod, Line 33 Invalid column name 'intCategoryId'.
error	19-Mar-2015 22:15:36	Error SQL72045: Script execution error.  The executed script:
error	19-Mar-2015 22:15:36	ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[fnGetCostingMethod]
error	19-Mar-2015 22:15:36	(@intItemId INT, @intItemLocationId INT)
error	19-Mar-2015 22:15:36	RETURNS INT
error	19-Mar-2015 22:15:36	AS
error	19-Mar-2015 22:15:36	BEGIN
error	19-Mar-2015 22:15:36	    DECLARE @LotCost AS INT;
error	19-Mar-2015 22:15:36	    SELECT @LotCost = intCostingMethodId
error	19-Mar-2015 22:15:36	    FROM   dbo.tblICCostingMethod
error	19-Mar-2015 22:15:36	    WHERE  strCostingMethod = 'LOT COST';
error	19-Mar-2015 22:15:36	    DECLARE @costingMethod AS INT;
error	19-Mar-2015 22:15:36	    SELECT @costingMethod = ISNULL(ItemLevel.intCostingMethod, ISNULL(ItemLocation.intCostingMethod, Category.intCostingMethod))
error	19-Mar-2015 22:15:36	    FROM   (SELECT CASE WHEN Item.strLotTracking IN ('Yes - Manual', 'Yes - Serial Number') THEN @LotCost ELSE NULL END AS intCostingMethod
error	19-Mar-2015 22:15:36	            FROM   dbo.tblICItem AS Item
error	19-Mar-2015 22:15:36	            WHERE  Item.intItemId = @intItemId) AS ItemLevel
error	19-Mar-2015 22:15:36	           LEFT OUTER JOIN
error	19-Mar-2015 22:15:36	           tblICItemLocation AS ItemLocation
error	19-Mar-2015 22:15:36	           ON ItemLocation.intItemId = @intItemId
error	19-Mar-2015 22:15:36	              AND ItemLocation.intItemLocationId = @intItemLocationId
error	19-Mar-2015 22:15:36	           LEFT OUTER JOIN
error	19-Mar-2015 22:15:36	           dbo.tblICCategory AS Category
error	19-Mar-2015 22:15:36	           ON ItemLevel.intCategoryId = Category.intCategoryId;
error	19-Mar-2015 22:15:36	    RETURN @costingMeth