Error on SQL Script 18.3DEV

Issue No: IC-5912
Created 8/3/2018 3:34:57 AM
Type Bug-QC
Priority Blocker
Status Closed
Resolution Fixed
Fixed Version 18.3
Description L72030: If this deployment is executed, changes to [dbo].[uspARDeleteInvoice] might introduce run-time errors in [dbo].[uspTRDeleteLoadHeader]. 2018-08-03T07:18:24.8253252Z Warning SQL72030: If this deployment is executed, changes to [dbo].[uspMFConsumeWorkOrder] might introduce run-time errors in [dbo].[uspMFCompleteBlendsheet]. 2018-08-03T07:18:24.8253633Z Error SQL72014: .Net SqlClient Data Provider: Msg 547, Level 16, State 0, Line 4123 The ALTER TABLE statement conflicted with the CHECK constraint "CK_ItemLocation_IS_NOT_USED". The conflict occurred in database "1830DEV01", table "dbo.tblICItemLocation". 2018-08-03T07:18:24.8253926Z Error SQL72045: Script execution error. The executed script: 2018-08-03T07:18:24.8254161Z ALTER TABLE [dbo].[tblAPBasisAdvanceCommodity] WITH CHECK CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_tblAPBasisAdvanceCommodity_tblAPBasisAdvanceDummyHeader]; 2018-08-03T07:18:24.8254311Z 2018-08-03T07:18:24.8254499Z ALTER TABLE [dbo].[tblAPBasisAdvanceFuture] WITH CHECK CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_tblAPBasisAdvanceFuture_tblAPBasisAdvanceDummyHeader];