Receipt Search - Add Voucher tab

Issue No: IC-1769
Created 1/15/2016 10:19:24 AM
Type Feature
Priority Major
Status Closed
Resolution Fixed
Fixed Version 16.1
Description   Create a new tab called Vouchers and get the results of this query   select E.strEntityNo + ' '+ E.strName Vendor, L.strLocationName Destination, IR.strReceiptNumber "Receipt No", IR.dtmReceiptDate "Receipt Date", IR.strBillOfLading BOL, IR.strReceiptType "Receipt Type", case when IR.strReceiptType = 'Purchase Order' then (select PO.strPurchaseOrderNumber from tblPOPurchase PO where PO.intPurchaseId = IRD.intOrderId) else (select CH.strContractNumber from tblCTContractHeader CH where CH.intContractHeaderId = IRD.intOrderId) end "Order No", I.strDescription Product, IRD.dblUnitCost "Unit Cost", IRD.dblOpenReceive "Qty Received", IRD.dblLineTotal "Receipt Amount", ISNULL(IRD.dblBillQty,0) "Qty Vouchered", ISNULL(IRD.dblBillQty,0) "Voucher Amount" (IRD.dblOpenReceive - ISNULL(IRD.dblBillQty,0)) "Qty to Voucher", ((IRD.dblLineTotal/IRD.dblOpenReceive)*(IRD.dblOpenReceive - ISNULL(IRD.dblBillQty,0))) "Amount to Voucher" from tblICInventoryReceiptItem IRD inner join tblICInventoryReceipt IR on IR.intInventoryReceiptId = IRD.intInventoryReceiptId inner join tblICItem I on IRD.intItemId = I.intItemId left join tblEntity E on IR.intEntityVendorId = E.intEntityId left join tblSMCompanyLocation L on IR.intLocationId = L.intCompanyLocationId where IR.ysnPosted = 1 --and IRD.dblOpenReceive > 0 --and IRD.intItemId = 1 --and (IRD.dblOpenReceive - ISNULL(IRD.dblBillQty,0)) > 0