WM - Average Cost calculation is wrong for bagged off item

Issue No: IC-1089
Created 7/30/2015 11:29:19 AM
Type Bug
Priority Blocker
Status Closed
Resolution Fixed
Fixed Version 15.2
Description 1. Program has to be fixed. [~chakra.behera] [~vijay.kulkarni] 2. Data has to be corrected [~feb.montefrio] 3. Special case for LOT-1231. Unit qty is changed to 5 from 50 at some point causing last cost also to go wrong. Need data correction [~feb.montefrio] !pastedImage_d40928_0.png! select (select strItemNo from tblICItem where intItemId = tblICItemPricing.intItemId) ItemNo, tblICItemPricing.dblLastCost, tblICItemPricing.dblStandardCost, tblICItemPricing.dblAverageCost, tblICInventoryTransaction.intItemId, tblICInventoryTransaction.intItemUOMId, (select strUnitMeasure from tblICUnitMeasure, tblICItemUOM where tblICUnitMeasure.intUnitMeasureId = tblICItemUOM.intUnitMeasureId and tblICInventoryTransaction.intItemUOMId = tblICItemUOM.intItemUOMId) UOM, tblICInventoryTransaction.dblQty, tblICInventoryTransaction.dblUOMQty, tblICInventoryTransaction.dblCost from tblICInventoryTransaction inner join tblICItemPricing on tblICInventoryTransaction.intItemId = tblICItemPricing.intItemId where tblICInventoryTransaction.intItemId in (select distinct intItemId from tblICInventoryTransaction where strTransactionId like 'WO-%' and strTransactionForm = 'Produce') --= (select intItemId from tblICItem where strItemNo = '10210')