Customer failed upgrade to 22.1.0722.143

Issue No: IC-10557
Created 7/22/2022 2:03:59 PM
Type Bug
Priority Critical
Status Closed
Resolution Fixed
Fixed Version 22.1
Description *This issue relates to i21 Help Desk ticket:* [ HDTN-275422 - customer - upgrade of TE 19.1 to 22.1|]     * *** Could not deploy package. * Error SQL72014: .Net SqlClient Data Provider: Msg 468, Level 16, State 9, Procedure uspICImportItemCostWithEffectiveDateFromStaging, Line 202 Cannot resolve the collation conflict between "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS" and "Latin1_General_CI_AS" in the concat operation. * Error SQL72045: Script execution error. The executed script: * CREATE PROCEDURE uspICImportItemCostWithEffectiveDateFromStaging * @strIdentifier NVARCHAR (100), @ysnAllowOverwrite BIT=0, @ysnVerboseLog BIT=1, @intDataSourceId INT=2 * AS * DELETE tblICImportStagingItemCostWithEffectiveDate * WHERE strImportIdentifier <> @strIdentifier; * WITH cte * AS (SELECT *, * ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY strItemNo, strLocation, dtmEffectiveDate, dblCost ORDER BY strItemNo, strLocation, dtmEffectiveDate, dblCost) AS RowNumber * FROM tblICImportStagingItemCostWithEffectiveDate * WHERE strImportIdentifier = @strIdentifier) * DELETE cte * WHERE RowNumber > 1; * DECLARE @intImportLogId AS INT = (SELECT TOP 1 intImportLogId * FROM tblICImportLog * WHERE strUniqueId = @strIdentifier); * DECLARE @tblDuplicateItemNo TABLE ( * strItemNo NVARCHAR (200) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS, * intId INT ); * BEGIN * INSERT INTO @tblDuplicateItemNo (strItemNo, intId) * SELECT strItemNo, * * Error SQL72014: .Net SqlClient Data Provider: Msg 468, Level 16, State 9, Procedure uspICImportItemCostWithEffectiveDateFromStaging, Line 202 Cannot resolve the collation conflict between "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS" and "Latin1_General_CI_AS" in the concat operation. * Error SQL72045: Script execution error. The executed script: * CREATE PROCEDURE uspICImportItemCostWithEffectiveDateFromStaging * @strIdentifier NVARCHAR (100), @ysnAllowOverwrite BIT=0, @ysnVerboseLog BIT=1, @intDataSourceId INT=2 * AS * DELETE tblICImportStagingItemCostWithEffectiveDate * WHERE strImportIdentifier <> @strIdentifier; * WITH cte * AS (SELECT *, * ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY strItemNo, strLocation, dtmEffectiveDate, dblCost ORDER BY strItemNo, strLocation, dtmEffectiveDate, dblCost) AS RowNumber * FROM tblICImportStagingItemCostWithEffectiveDate * WHERE strImportIdentifier = @strIdentifier) * DELETE cte * WHERE RowNumber > 1; * DECLARE @intImportLogId AS INT = (SELECT TOP 1 intImportLogId * FROM tblICImportLog * WHERE strUniqueId = @strIdentifier); * DECLARE @tblDuplicateItemNo TABLE ( * strItemNo NVARCHAR (200) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS, * intId INT ); * BEGIN * INSERT INTO @tblDuplicateItemNo (strItemNo, intId) * SELECT strItemNo,