Item Stock Tab - Add Reserved & In Transit stocks

Issue No: IC-1043
Created 7/21/2015 4:40:21 PM
Type Feature
Priority Major
Status Closed
Resolution Fixed
Fixed Version 15.3
Description Add the following in Stock tab in the same order   # On Order - Purchase Orders # In Transit Inbound - Incoming physical inventory # On Hand - Physical Inventory what is owned by the company # In Transit Outbound - Outgoing physical inventory # Back Order - Sales Orders for which inventory has to be received. # Committed - Sales Orders # Stored - Physical inventory stored for others # Consigned Purchase - Physical inventory stored in our facility as consignment. Not owned by company. # Consigned Sales - Physical inventory stored in external facilities as consignment. Owned by company. # Reserved - Physical inventory picked for delivery, consuming or any other purpose # Available - On Hand minus (Back Order + Reserved + In Transit Outbound + Consigned Sales )