Msg Box on Billing increment Error Is Not On Top

Issue No: HD-818
Created 6/24/2015 3:31:49 PM
Type Bug
Priority Minor
Status Closed
Resolution Fixed
Fixed Version 15.3
Description When billing hours are entered in increments that do not conform to the config value, a message box appears alerting the user. If the enter key was pressed after entering this number, the message box displays correctly, on top of the browser page. However, the normal behavior is that the user would TAB out of this box, and when that happens, the message box still displays, but it is behind the page and the user does not see it until that page is closed.   My suggestion is that whenever the hours worked box loses focus (on lost focus), the routine to check the increment should be run, and whenever there is an error, the message box should appear on top of everything AND be given the focus so that the user cannot continue until the correction is made.