Way to assign Agents to various Products.

Issue No: HD-1000
Created 1/4/2016 11:08:40 PM
Type Feature
Priority Major
Status Reopened
Fixed Version TBD
Description W{color:#1f497d}e need a way to assign Agents to various forums/groups or whatever we call it. For example, we have i21, Origins and VisionCore support. We need to create those as groups where we can assign one or more Agents to them. So for VisionCore we might have 5 Agents (Jerome, Adrian, Joey, Analea and Frances). These 5 Agents should only be able to see VisionCore posts and not any of the i21 or Origins posts.{color}     {color:#1f497d}On the flip side, none of the i21 or Origins agents should be able to see any of the VisionCore posts. However, we could assign an Agent like Steve, Deanna, George, Meetesh to all 3 groups where we could view posts from any of them like a manager. So basically we just need a way to group Agents and assign them to one or more support forums/groups (which I think we call Products in Help Desk).{color}