add costs to scale tickets

Issue No: SC-10
Created 4/9/2015 2:09:03 PM
Type Feature
Priority Major
Status Closed
Resolution Fixed
Fixed Version 16.1
Description [] for the file, add new table tblSCTicketCost   If a contract or load scheduling is used copy all costs from that load or that contract.   1) if doing load, do we have to look at contracts for any costs or only loads?   2) is there any flag in a cost on a contract we do not pick up?   3) does any flag on a cost change what we do with a cost?   EG: Freight, we create a payable to the hauler. If customer/vendor pays freight then a negative payable will be created for the customer/vendor.   NOTE: we do not take costs until the ticket is being completed. EG: remote builds ticket, it is sent to the home office then when the inventory is being updated and receiver or invoice is being created.