Scale should use the SP from inventory to convert...

Issue No: GRN-320
Created 1/7/2016 4:07:18 PM
Type Feature
Priority Major
Status Closed
Resolution Fixed
Fixed Version 16.1
Description Please update our scale process to no longer directly read the UOM table. We need to call this with the units from the SCALE UOM (normally lbs, but could be KGs or even TON in rare instances - but alway set in scale station settings) and then display the UOM description and UOM returned by the SP from inventory.     [~feb.montefrio] Would you please provide Emerson with the requirements for this call? How do we tell it what UOM we are passing in and which UOM we want out?   [~satya.sahoo] [~james.j] [~ram.s] Are you guys using this SP? If not, please enter a request to do so. This will make it so we are always using the same process.   [~ajith.dharan] [~matt.wielinski] [~prateek.bhasin] am I missing anyone else that would be doing these conversions or need to be that you know of? Also, we need to come to an agreement on how the conversion rates are entered and which UOM should be 1 so all things are entered with some like process. Also I need to know how to know which UOM to show at the scale as I use STOCK today. Should I be using deftualt UOM for displaying rather than stock so we can use 1 for say lbs?