scale station settings updates for other charges items defaults

Issue No: GRN-164
Created 7/29/2015 7:24:59 AM
Type Feature
Priority Major
Status Closed
Resolution Fixed
Fixed Version 15.3
Description Other charges, like freight and fees are now items with a type of other charges in the item setup. In order to properly fill receipts and invoices we must now also use the proper other charges items. Each scale must now set the item (other charges type) for freight as well as for fees when done from the scale. NOTE: if from a contract (or load) these things come from the costs table but on non-contract or when manually entered in the scale then at distribution time, we must use these default items for any freight or fees.   On screen selections in the scale station setup should be drop lists with only items of the other charges type.   Please see Rahman for how to add this to our distribution program.   NOTE: This will require updates to the database as well to add the two new fields to tblSCScaleSetup. These will both be keys pointing to the items.