add DP checks to scale

Issue No: GRN-124
Created 6/4/2015 2:25:13 PM
Type Feature
Priority Major
Status Closed
Resolution Fixed
Fixed Version 15.3
Description With merging of scales, an option for contracts is to set a requirement for DP inbound to be tied to a DP contract.   If the company preference in Contracts for "DP Contracts" if it is checked then if the storage types selected is the "DP type" in storage types, then we must select a matching contract that is of DP type.   Even if that flag is not set, if the type is the "storage type" marked DP, then we can allow the DP contract to be added if one exists and the scale operator applies it.   Contract requirements (note: Matt is creating Jira for Satya)   1) when calling contracts we need a stored procedure to get back a list of valid/open DP contracts.   2) when updating DP tickets to storage we also need a stored procedure to call to add the units to the DP contract. note: unlike normal contacts, DP start at 0 and we add to the units untils it is closed. The DP units are later converted to a normal contact to be priced and sold. That process is part of contracts.   If no dp contract exists and contract company preference is marked (checked) then we cannot put in to storage type that is the DP type unless they select an open DP contract first.