Chart of accounts Range (Limit account types vs account numbers)

Issue No: GL-72
Created 6/7/2013 2:15:41 AM
Type Feature
Priority Major
Status Closed
Resolution Fixed
Fixed Version 15.3
Description *Why:*   Typically a chart of accounts has defined ranges for account types. these defined ranges help the system ensure that the following conditions are met:   * data integrity - all assets are truly assets, liabilities are liabilites ... ** This is essential for the ease of creating financial reports *** To easily add accounts it is great if all ranges are of the same type (you can bulk add a bunch to reporitng if you know that ranges of accounts are similar type ** This is essential to ensure that our financial reports are balanced *** if you were to put an expense in the middle of the balance sheet the account would "close at year end" this would create balancing issues ** Error corrections on erronious account types are difficult and time consuming *** This function would ensure that account types are properly defined.   for 15.3 we would like to get:   * Data structures to hold account validation * Maintanence screens to enter validation * rules on accounts so that validation is completed prior to adding a new account.