With origin turned off you can not edit the structure of the chart of accounts

Issue No: GL-1960
Created 7/23/2015 12:18:17 PM
Type Bug
Priority Major
Status Closed
Resolution Fixed
Fixed Version 15.3
Description   * The chart of accounts segments should lock primary and it should always be in the first position of the account * The chart of accounts should lock locaiton and it should be in the second position * length of the segments (primary and location - can change) * You should be able to add additional segments if origin is not selected.   *Acceptance criteria:*   Log into i21 without origin integrated   * The chart of accounts should show up with primary in the first position * Location should be in the second position * you should be able to change the lenght of primary * you should be able to change the length of location * you should be able to add one or more segments after locaiton.