Capture additional data in the Export Log

Issue No: FRM-7941
Created 12/9/2018 4:25:16 PM
Type Feature
Priority Major
Status Closed
Resolution Fixed
Fixed Version 18.3, 18.1
Description When exporting data from the Search grids we have a lot of good data but we need some other data captured in addition to what we have.   Here is a screenshot of the tblSMExportLog table with the main columns.   !pastedImage_d109334_0.png|height=63,width=1248!   It does not look like we are capturing the following information:   # The main Search screen name. The strName column only seems to log the Tab name but that can be very generic like "Details" which does not describe which screen that was from. I see that we do capture it in the strJsonData column but that is hard to read. Can we include the screen name along with the Tab name like "Contracts - Details" or add another column for the Screen Name? # There is a small bug with the intTotalRecords that shows the total number of records exported based on the filter. However, if you manually select 5 rows in the grid that has 5,000 records, the intTotalRecords will show 5,000 and not the 5 that were exported.