Document Source - Duplicate folder functionality is required

Issue No: FRM-4999
Created 5/23/2017 7:26:14 AM
Type Feature
Priority Major
Status Closed
Resolution Fixed
Fixed Version 17.1
Description Document Source:   * Right now users need to manually create all the folders * JDE has one folder for each contract sequence (one sequence per shipment). Each contract can have 10 to 15 sequences. * All the sequence folders (e.g. 1. Sequence, 2. Sequence, 3. Sequence, and so on) have 25 sub-folders each * All the sub-folders within sequence are identical * Right now they need to create 25 sub-folders and folder for each sequence. It is time consuming * JDE users want us to provide a Duplicate button. Clicking on that will automatically duplicate the selected folder along with its sub-folders. This will save lot of their configuration time   !pastedImage_d76328_0.png!