Create a Screen Dock to hold any collapsed screens

Issue No: FRM-2965
Created 1/27/2016 7:57:40 PM
Type Task
Priority Major
Status Closed
Resolution Fixed
Fixed Version 16.1
Description When a user clicks the collapse button on a screen we need to have it moved to a "Screen Dock" area on the menu. This Screen Dock should be directly below the Menu Header and only be visible when one or more screens are collapsed.   The collapsed window should only be as wide as the text in the title bar. This would allow for several windows to be in the screen dock. If there are several screens collapsed to where it fills the entire width of the menu, then create a second screen dock row below it.   The idea behind this is that it will move any collapsed screens out of the users way so it does not block other screens or data.   !2016.01.28_08.47.40.AM.png!