Could we add the description of what the row type does into the row type dropdown

Issue No: FRD-389
Created 1/14/2015 9:15:33 AM
Type Feature
Priority Major
Status Closed
Resolution Fixed
Fixed Version 15.2
Description We should be able to see a description of the row type as we select it - we would add a second column to the drop down with the description   !pastedImage_d31146_0.png!     |Calculation|This allows you to pick accounts from the GL| |Cash Flow Activity|Collects activity in this account| |Center Title|place a title in the center of the page| |Description Title|Place a description on the left side of the page| |Double Underscore|double underscore the line above it| |Hidden|not displaed on the report and can be used in a calculation| |Left Title|Title on the left hand side of the page for groups or subtotal headers| |Line|Dark solid single line across whole report| |None|create space for design time format (does not show on the report)| |Page Break|Create a page break| |Right Title|Title on the right hand side of the column| |Total Calculation|Allows you to add rows together in a formula| |Underscore|Creates an underscore for the row above|