i21 Tables for Customer --> Company --> Modules Enhancements

Issue No: SM-304
Created 3/24/2015 5:57:37 PM
Type Task
Priority Major
Status Closed
Resolution Fixed
Fixed Version 15.3
Description Need to know how the Customer --> Company --> Modules tables are and how they are related to each other.   I have Origin company information by module and George wants me to have this in Fort Books. I want to place this in the i21 tables so we have this as we move forward.   I have been working with [~joan.felger] to determine that this will show up in the AR Customer Maintenance. She has modified the Helpdesk tab to include the information that I am going to push to the i21 tables.   I would like to treat them like customers with companies and the information gathered from their systems tying them to the modules. This will eventually be tied to the inventory items and I hoped the conversion program will keep the relationships between the modules and the customer companies as they get moved from the tblHDModules to the Inventory tables.   Let me know what you think. George wants this in 15.2.