Split creation - split number is unique by entity, not system wide

Issue No: EM-887
Created 2/1/2016 9:35:59 AM
Type Feature
Priority Major
Status Closed
Resolution Fixed
Fixed Version 16.1
Description When adding a split, I attempted to add a test for my use and upon trying to save it said split number is not unique.   A specific split number is unique by entity but not accross the entire system. For example   Vendor A has a 50/50 split with Vendor B called 0001.   Vendor B has the same 50/50 split with Vendor A, also called 0001.   Likewise Vendor C has a split with Vendors D and E and it is called 0001.   So in this scenario, for A and B they use the same split so when selecting that customer the same application occurs no matter which brings the grain in. For Vendor C, it is unrelated to the ones associated with A and B totally but can still be called 0001.   Just to make sure this is controlled completely, Customer F has a split with customer G also named 0001.   so no matter the entity type, they are allowed any split id not already associated with that entity to be created.   So if Vendor C is also a customer, they have a 0001 already, so they can't create a 2nd split as Customer C with anyone else named 0001 as it was used for that entity already.   Below, you can see I tried creating entity split 0001 and that entity has no splits yet but it says duplicate.   !pastedImage_d50960_0.png!