Import for Customer Entity Special Prices from CSV/Excel

Issue No: EM-620
Created 10/29/2015 10:45:57 AM
Type Feature
Priority Major
Status Closed
Resolution Fixed
Fixed Version 16.1
Description We have our first i21 customer going live in 15.3. We need to start importing data into i21 so they can use the system. We will need an import so we can give the customer the ability to input data in a simple manner and import into entity so we are not filling out one customer at a time when they may have thousands of records. A CSV/Excel import might be ideal for multiple record input in a grid type fashion.   They are not going live unitl 15.3, but we should get this tested and in before that time to ensure it works and we can get them to start filling out the data. This is one of the first steps that needs to happen in an install, so we should get something if possible.