Invoice Batch Printing - Unfinalized Invoices being sent to email

Issue No: AR-9345
Created 11/15/2018 7:31:12 AM
Type Bug
Priority Major
Status Closed
Resolution Fixed
Fixed Version 18.3
Description We have discovered today that invoices from EnergyTrac are being queued up to send via email in Batch Printing that have not been finalized yet. Tara Bertrand is a fuel customer as well as the Moro fuel gal, who does the invoicing from EnergyTrac. She got a delivery to her home yesterday and has not processed the delivery into a final invoice - someone else will need to do that for her (seperation, we do not invoice our own stuff). HOWEVER she just received her invoice via email. This also answers a customer issue I just dealt with.   Invoices should not be ready to email out until they are finalized. I do not know the process either in EnergyTrac or what happens to those deliveries once they are pull back, but if they are not posted, they need to NOT be available to email.