[Sale A/R : MCP Sales - Invoice] - incorrect Quantity shipped

Issue No: AR-8541
Created 8/22/2018 1:32:46 PM
Type Bug
Priority Blocker
Status Closed
Resolution Fixed
Fixed Version 18.3
Description Sale Contract with 2 sequences(Sales Order & Contract total have same amount of bushels, contract sequences are priced differently). Scale ticket that is greater (more bushels) than the sales order and sales contract sequence#2, distributed to the existing sales order. Invoice generated by the ticket distribution is sliping the quantity in half instead of taking the entire amount from sequence 1 and remaining from the sequence 2.   Steps followed:   # *Crerated Sales price contract#15 with 2 sequences (same amount of bushels, but sequences are priced differently.* ** !pastedImage_d103670_0.png! # *Created Saled order# SO-20, entered customer and location. Inserted the existing Sales contract and each sequence. * ** !pastedImage_d103670_1.png! # *Created a scale ticket# 1001-20 that is greater than the sales order and sales contract sequence 2. Entered Load out, cutomer and location. Selected Distribution to Sales Order and pulled the existing sales order. Entered Discount Schedule and weights. Clicked Distribute to distribute the ticket.* !pastedImage_d103670_2.png! # *{color:#ff0000}Invoice# SI-126 was generated from scale ticket# 1001-20 distribution.The scale ticket was for 525.01 bushels. The invoice should have taken 500 bushels from the sequence 1 and remaining 25.01 bushels from the sequence.{color}* *The total price calculated as ZERO is incorrected ( Jira ticket already exists for that)* . !pastedImage_d103670_3.png!