Entity > Customer's are becoming inactive without users making changes

Issue No: AR-6894
Created 3/6/2018 11:59:35 AM
Type Bug
Priority Blocker
Status Closed
Resolution Fixed
Fixed Version 17.3
Description *Steps to replicate:*   # Create a Customer make sure that it is in Active mode. # Create transactions using the customer. (invoices, payments etc.) # Check the autdit log of the customer. # Delete the Customer, a confirmation prompt should be displayed, click on yes button. # Dialog box should be displayed, click on Ok button. # Check the Audit log.   *Issue:*   * On multiple occassions the customers have been made inactive at Lassus without users performing the task and with no audit log * Also have seen at FB, Rhoads, and SpenceBanks/Ceres   *Accepted:*   * Prevent Inactive from being set by accident * Ensure any changes (even unintentional) should be logged * Add Logging for someone that is setting an account to Inactive when they tried to delete and they had history