Sales Analysis Report is cost and total cost is incorrect

Issue No: AR-5367
Created 9/13/2017 12:42:44 PM
Type Bug
Priority Blocker
Status Closed
Resolution Fixed
Fixed Version 17.1
Description This issue relates to i21 Help Desk ticket. Click the link below to go to Help Desk ticket.   [HDTN-202865 - Sales Analysis does not tie to GL for cost of goods sold|] Version: 17.1.0823.198   + *Steps:* +   1. Restore customers database. See environment.   2. Go to Sales > Sales Analysis Reports.   3. Search for invoice # SI-36946. Take note of the cost and total cost.   4. Go to GL > GL Account Detail.   5. Search for account # 4010-17-300.   6. Search for record # SI-36946. Take note of the value.   7. Go to Inventory > Inventory Valuation.   8. Search for transaction id SI-36946.   + *Result:* +   Sales Analysis Report cost and total cost does not equal to GL and inventory valuation.   + *Accepted:* +   Follow the calculation below for the cost for multiple line of inventory valuation.   (Cost x Units) + (Cost x Units) / Total Units = Correct per unit cost   i.e.   !pastedImage_d82380_0.png!