HDTN-196790 - Invoice not releasing on hand or booking GL entries

Issue No: AR-4570
Created 4/25/2017 4:05:28 PM
Type Bug
Priority Blocker
Status Closed
Resolution Fixed
Fixed Version 17.1
Description COGS and Inventory GL entries are not made when item is sold at zero price. Regardless of retail price, cogs and inventory accounts has to be booked if item has a cost.   Also check if stock is reduced when price is zero.   If there are data issues by time this fix is installed, run the data fix from http://jira.irelyserver.com/browse/AR-4552     This issue relates to i21 Help Desk ticket. Click the link below to go to Help Desk ticket.   [HDTN-196790 - Invoice not releasing on hand or booking GL entries|http://helpdesk.irely.com/iRelyi21live/i21/#/HD/Ticket/?ticket=HDTN-196790]     Few invoices did not create inventory transactions or gl entries for inventory. See HD for details and example. DB backup is available.     Steps to reproduce:   1. Add and save an inventory item (or copy 36321 in Versailles database and save as 36321-Test) with the following setup:   Retail Price: 10   On Hand: 1,000   2. Go to Sales > Invoices   3. Click New toolbar button to add an invoice   4. In the grid area, add the above inventory item   Enter 10 in Shipped quantity   Modify Price to '0'   5. Click Save toolbar button   6. Open Post Preview tab screen   Expected result: COGS and Inventory GL accounts should be displayed   Actual result: COGS and Inventory GL accounts are not displayed   7. Post the invoice   8. Open Unpost Preview tab screen   Expected result: COGS and Inventory GL accounts should be displayed   Actual result: COGS and Inventory GL accounts are not displayed   9. Open the above inventory item   10. Open Stock tab screen   11. Verify if On Hand is updated to 990 (1,000 - 10)   Expected result: On Hand should be updated to 990   Actual result: On Hand is not updated