WM - Print Invoice issues

Issue No: AR-1366
Created 7/8/2015 4:24:57 PM
Type Bug
Priority Major
Status Closed
Resolution Fixed
Fixed Version 15.2
Description +{color:#1f497d}Printed Invoice{color}+   # {color:#1f497d}What is supposed to be under “SLS”?{color} # {color:#1f497d}Incorrect or no UOM is showing up{color} ## {color:#1f497d}For ingredients (SI-10001 & SI-10002), it is showing super sack (not sure why){color} ## {color:#1f497d}For finished goods (SI-10003 & SI-10004), no UOM is showing{color} # {color:#1f497d}Unit price is showing 5 decimal places, but extended price is only calculating 2 decimal places. We would prefer it to calculate with more decimal places (same request as below){color} # {color:#1f497d}Can you add the date due?{color} # {color:#1f497d}Can the BOL # also be added?{color}