Invoice - COGS and Invty in Transit amount are doubled

Issue No: AR-1348
Created 7/6/2015 8:09:11 AM
Type Bug
Priority Blocker
Status Closed
Resolution Fixed
Fixed Version 15.2, 15.3
Description NOTE: this issue is encountered only when the IS has been unposted then posted again before processing to invoice. Steps: !pastedImage_d39670_0.png!   Issue:COGS and Inventory in Transit amount doubles that of Inventory Shipped amounts. !pastedImage_d39670_1.png! Acceptance Criteria: The amount posted from Inventory Shipment > (dr.)Inventory in Transit should be the same amount for dr. COGS and cr. Invenotry in Transit since the entire Inventory Shipped qty is invoiced. !pastedImage_d39670_2.png!