Invoice: Customer with Per Time ticket setup did not create invoice record for Sales Order distribution type

Issue No: AR-11133
Created 11/5/2019 10:22:13 PM
Type Bug-QC
Priority Blocker
Status Closed
Resolution Fixed
Fixed Version 19.2.1
Description *Steps to replicate:*   # Customer > Customer Tab > Detail tab # Batch Invoice for Scale Ticket: # !pastedImage_d126343_0.png|height=132,width=296! # Create a Contract #1 = 1000qty # Create 2 tickets using the created Contract ## Net Units should be less than contracted qty # Create a Contract #2 = 100qty # Create an SO using Contract #2 # Create a ticket using SO in step number 6 ## Net units should be greater than the contracted qty   *Issue* : Customer with Per Time ticket setup did not create invoice record for Sales Order distribution type   !pastedImage_d126343_1.png|height=1252,width=1827!   *Accepted* : Different distribution type with different location should be in the same Invoice if the transaction was made on the time frame indicated in Batch Invoice for Scale Tickets