Easy Automation - Convert FOE Consumption UOM to Stock UOM

Issue No: AR-10697
Created 7/25/2019 4:32:35 PM
Type Feature
Priority Blocker
Status Closed
Resolution Fixed
Fixed Version 19.1
Description Currently we are importing the invoice item quantities and UOM as-is. The problem with this is that FOE is consuming the items in one UOM but Synergy wants them listed on the invoice in another UOM. Basically, FOE is a mfg package and i21 is going to be used for invoicing.   This means that we need to take the UOM that's coming in via the invoices.json file and convert the quantity to the item's stock UOM. Example:   Let's assume that item ItemUOMId of 192 equals the i21 UOM of pounds. Let's also assume that item 56733 has a stock UOM of bags and a conversion of 50 (lbs per bag). The invoice import needs to convert the 20,000 lbs of Canola Meal to 400 bags and show that on the invoice.   {noformat}\{ "Invoice": [ \{ "TransactionType": "Invoice", "Source": "Standard", "SourceTransaction": "Direct", "CustomerId": "MATAAR", "CompanyLocationId": 001, "Date": "07/03/2019 14:01:10", "ShipDate": "03/21/2019 14:23:35", "InvoiceOriginId": "103-1", "ShipToLocationId": null, "ImpactInventory": true, "InvoiceDetail": [ \{ "ItemId": 56733, "ItemDescription": "Canola Meal", "ItemUOMId": 192, "QtyShipped": 20000.0, "Price": 2365.0, "RequireReprice": false, "AllowReprice": false, \} ] \} ] \}{noformat}